can I return something if I don’t like it?

of course! obviously we hope you love the clothes as much as we do but if you have any problems please email us at returns@currentbunmaternity.com and we will deal with your question straight away. visit our returns section for more information.

why are your models wearing artificial bumps?

we really wanted to show off our range on real life pregnant ladies but unfortunately due to the timing of our launch and the current covid restrictions (particularly with the unknown health risks associated with pregnancy) we had to put safety first. we hope you understand! if you want to see real pregnant women wearing our clothes, please head over to our instagram page @currentbunmaternity

from what point in my pregnancy are your clothes suitable?

this is a difficult one because everyone is so different! we would say generally from around 5 months but obviously it depends on the size of your bump. the looser styles will be suitable at any stage in pregnancy and can be worn post-partum too

what size should I buy?

our clothes sizes are industry standard and designed to fit you and your bump in your normal size. our fabrics are stretchy and comfortable and our fit is designed with your bump in mind so you shouldn’t have any issues. if you have any specific questions about sizing please get in touch

when will you launch more styles?

we are already working on the next collection and have big plans! watch this space…